Friday, 5 August 2011

Today's run is dedicated to Charlie Howard

One of the things that I have really enjoyed during the challenge is to be able to raise awareness of fellow families with children living with Type 1.  One of those is young Charlie Howard, who I am dedicating today's run to.

Lucy Howard, Charlie's Mum told me:

"Charlie was diagnosed in January 2010 at the age of 13 months following 2 trips to our out of hours Dr who told us he had a stomach bug. We insisted on taking him to hospital where he was diagnosed within 10 minutes of arriving. After 2 nights in PICU and a further 10 days in hospital we were allowed home on the basis we could ring or return to hospital if necessary. Charlie was very lucky as he received an insulin pump a week after diagnosis. The pump has made a huge difference to Charlie's blood sugar levels as we can tailor it to meet his needs. That's not to say that every day is easy - he's recently starting having tantrums which makes hypos more tricky to spot but is reassuring in that he's just like any other 2 year old! We all get involved in looking after Charlie, our daughter Kate is 4 and she's a dab hand at reading the meters and telling me if he's high or low. Having a child with Type 1 diabetes does change life for the whole family but we try to do as much as anyone, we just have to plan things carefully. Meeting other families in the same situation has been very helpful, we can share experiences with people who really understand."

Read Lucy's entry on the JDRF 1 Campaign scrapbook:

Today's run: 6.4 miles

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