Saturday 20 August 2011


I've never got my head around twitter.  Referring to other conversations with the "@" symbol and all this "#" business makes some modern text-speak look pretty legible in my book.

However I'm in the business of spreading the word with the blog, facebook and now twitter (although I don't think I have any followers yet).

So get updates on both the blog and now twitter.  Follow me at the below "Handle":


Yesterday's run - 7 miles.  I'm pleased with this as I haven't been feeling too good since we came back from our holiday.  A combination of cold, crap weather back here, a pile of work waiting for me in the office and seeing shops in Manchester city centre still boarded up was pretty depressing.  I have number 71 to perk myself up with after Jake's swimming lesson.  I'm also conscious that I have a lot to cram in before next week's trip to Ireland, starting on Wednesday, so I'm calling into the office tomorrow to get on top of things.

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