Saturday, 2 July 2011

Diabetes Power

I came into contact with Sarah Brown through work.  Sarah works in the Southend Centre and during a week of fundraising a couple of years ago, I noticed someone was raising funds for the JDRF.  I got in touch with Sarah, explained about Jake, and she told me her experience with her son Ryan, who also has type-1 Diabetes and is about to turn 18.

I'm grateful to Sarah who has shared some really useful tips over the months and has also undertaken some great promotion work, raising awareness of type 1 over the Facebook network.  Sarah has sent me details of the group who are doing a good job of raising awareness, especially around looking for the first signs of ketoacidosis, and 4 case studies of children who were diagnosed with type 1 between the ages of 3 and 15 years of age.

Their website provides good advice, website links and a 24 hour support telephone number.

Thanks to Sarah for sending this on, and for your support over the months - I'll be sure to pop over when i'm next in Southend.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, together one day soon we will have that cure. Until that day I love the group of people who understand & get me through each week caring for a child with Type 1. Thomas what an amazing thing to do!! huge hugs
